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Write an essay on the questions it raises, trying to produce a single, integrated paper with a clear ...

Write an essay on the questions it raises, trying to produce a single, integrated paper with a clearly stated thesis (which should be underlined) and well-developed line of argument, even though the topic may consist of several distinct quotation and questions. Support your argument with lots of evidence from the required reading by providing page references, but do not use long quotations. You are welcome to use whichever citation system you prefer (Harvard, MLA, etc.), but are required to use that system correctly. You are also required to use the Stephanos pagination (the pagination in the left and right margins of the text) in all citations of Plato’s Republic. Failure to provide textual evidence or to use the Stephanos pagination when citing the text will result in substantial penalties. Essays should be 3-5 pages long (approximately 900-1500 words), double-spaced, using a 12 pt. font and one-inch margins. Also, be sure to indicate explicitly the specific prompt. You are not required to agree with the views expressed in the questions and quotations. “When all is said and done no one wants to be ruled by self-interested, narrow-minded ideologues. If philosophers are truly able to care more for the common good than their private goods and to take a larger view of the needs of society, why not let them rule? No doubt there are dangers in doing so, but there are far more dangers in not doing so.” Write an essay that examines the issues raised in this quotation. In the course of your analysis, be sure to explain whether you agree or disagree with the view it expresses, and why.

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