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Topic Overview: Multi-photon or two-photon excitation - what is that? (writing below is ~160 words) ...

Topic Overview: Multi-photon or two-photon excitation - what is that? (writing below is ~160 words) You can do 1,200 words. For microscopic applications, Dr. Webb discovered and he is the pioneer. When you concentrate high energy of coherent (basically laser) light, excitation of fluorescent molecules can be achieved with 2X longer wavelengths (i.e. green fluorescence protein can be excited with 488nm and emission (fluorescence) is peaked around 509nm, but with two-photon excitation, you can achieve the excitation with a near-IR beam (over 920nm). So, what is the advantage of two (or multi)-photon? This is because longer wavelengths of coherent light can penetrate deeper into the tissues. When we apply something to clinical settings (let's imagine to kill tumors), the light has to reach there. Here is the newest endoscopy approved by a microscopic company, Olympus, Although no FDA-approved endoscopes with multi-photon, this Olympus' approved endoscopes can handle red dichromatic imaging. I gave an overview of what the paper should be about. The next page shows a breakdown of the parts of the paper; title; Let’s focus on endoscopy and multi-photon or two photon, keywords (3-5 words), Abstract (250 words maximum), and (main text: maximum 1200 words, but must be exactly 25 references using sources only from _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ [title; Let’s focus on endoscopy and multi-photon or two photon] Name Department of Biology key words (3~5 words) Abstract (250 words maximum) (main text: maximum 1200 words, 25 references)

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