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Description Topic 4 = Best Communication skills, Appropriate manners, and Body ...

Description Topic 4 = Best Communication skills, Appropriate manners, and Body Language during an interview (what the research will be on) Research Thoroughly the best and most current information for your topic. Conduct in-depth research on your chosen topic. Make sure the information is relevant and professional. Your goal is to provide valuable insights to your peers. The information you present should be comprehensive, current, and aligned with industry standards. Create your presentation: Design your presentation in a creative, professional, and clear manner. You can choose from the following formats: Infographic PowerPoint slide Canva design Short video Prezi presentation Be sure that your presentation is visually appealing and easy to follow. Organize your content logically and make sure that it conveys your information effectively. Remember, your goal is to provide useful, clear insights for your peers. 6. Post your Project: Once you have created your presentation, upload it to the discussion thread. Be sure to include at least three valid and current (No older than 3 years) resources that support the information you've shared. These sources should be credible, and their publication date should be recent enough to ensure relevance. Make sure your post includes citations for all sources you used in your research. 7. BONUS CHALLENGE: Create Interactive Content - this could be a short quiz, survey, interactive infographic (hover over or click elements for more info) or short interactive activity (i.e. case study or short scenario that asks your audience to think critically or choose course of action. Here are the available topics related to job and interview skills: Best answers for tricky behavioral interview questions (with examples) How to rock your first entry-level job after graduation: Survival tips for new grads in the workplace Best overall tips for preparing for an interview: How to sell yourself (measurable accomplishments) Best communication skills, appropriate manners, and body language during an interview Proper etiquette for a lunch interview: Presenting your best self What are good questions to ask the interviewer? Tips and strategies for getting past the Applicant Tracking System (ATS) How to answer the “Tell me about yourself” and “What is your biggest weakness?” question What is professional business attire to wear (and not to wear)? Best tips to ace a Zoom interview How to ace your graduate school interview What is the STAR method and how to use it to ace your job interview? What is the modern one-way interview? Plus, 10 of the worst interview answers and how to improve them Best tips for a follow-up thank you email after an interview (examples included) Best strategies to succeed in your first job after 30, 60, and 90 days How to handle your first performance review on the job and ways to improve How to best discuss "gap" years on your resume How to handle a transition to a higher-level position in your company (becoming a supervisor of your peers)


Description Assignment # 2: Ethical Issues and Challenges Reaction Paper Stude ...

Description Assignment # 2: Ethical Issues and Challenges Reaction Paper Students will be expected to discuss the common issues and challenges when working with individuals with disabilities, including methods of overcoming these challenges while considering ethical and legal aspects along the way. In addition, talk about how specific laws (ADA, IDEA, etc.) play a role in addressing the challenges and issues encountered. Be sure to use literature to support your statements (at least 5 citations from disability-related journals). Your paper should be between 4 to 5 pages. When citing the literature, please remember to follow APA style. All citations MUST be in APA Style. Be sure to follow APA Publication Manual guidelines when writing your response. Page 1: Identify common issues and challenges when working with individuals with disabilities within a certain environment (lower school, middle school, high school, secondary education setting). Page 2: Discuss the ethical and legal aspects of the issues/challenges within that setting selected. Page 3-4: Discuss laws (ADA, IDEA, etc.) that apply in the setting selected and how they can specifically play into supporting or hindering individuals encountering the common issues/challenges you identified. Page 5: Discuss your personal reflections, thoughts, ideas. View Rubric


Description This is where you will submit the final draft of your Growth Mindse ...

Description This is where you will submit the final draft of your Growth Mindset Five Paragraph Essay. It is very important that you follow these directions if you want to get a good grade on this assignment! Please do the following: You must type your essay in Microsoft Word or Google Docs, save it on a computer, and upload the file. To upload a file, click in the box. A menu will appear. Choose the attachment icon (the paperclip) and locate your saved file on your computer and attach it. Carefully review the Essay Grading Rubric (attached as a link on the right) before you submit your essay.


Description Writing Assignment #1: Argumentative Essay PHI 2100 Objective To ...

Description Writing Assignment #1: Argumentative Essay PHI 2100 Objective To write an original essay that showcases your ability to skillfully (a) identify, (b) reconstruct, (c) evaluate, and (d) repair a real-world argument using the methods we have learned in class. Your Task Step 1: Doing your own research, find a piece of media that prominently features just one of the following types of arguments: (1) a statistical argument or (2) an analogical argument. You may choose which of these two types of arguments to write about. But whichever type you choose to focus on, it must reflect that type of argument as we have studied it in this class and in our course textbook. This is important: randomly typing in “statistical arguments” on Google, for example, yields arguments that—for our course—are more appropriately classified as causal arguments, even if the argument involves statistics. The argument should be one that you suspect is problematic in ways that you can precisely diagnose using evaluation tools that we are studying in this course. Which media? The argument can come from a range of possible sources: news articles, academic journals, self-help books, YouTube video essays, Reddit, podcasts, etc. You must cite the specific source you use so that we can locate the argument ourselves. (For instance, if you use a YouTube clip or podcast, provide timestamps and links in the citation.) The argument should explore a topic about which contentions can reasonably arise concerning the misuse of statistics, the inaptness of analogies, etc. (depending on the type of argument). Step 2: Succinctly describe the argument in normal prose. In doing so, give relevant background information (e.g., the issue or topic that the argument is meant to address, the debate in which the argument is being presented). You should begin the essay with: “In this essay, I will be evaluating a [type of argument] from [argument source].” Step 3: Reconstruct and standardize the argument in premise-conclusion format. In addition to identifying the type of argument it is (e.g., “This argument is an inductive analogical argument), be sure to explain why it is best categorized that way. Step 4: Evaluate the argument. This involves: Assessing the form of the argument. Does it have all the components that a good argument of its type should have? Assessing the inferential strength of the argument: Do the argument’s premises adequately support its conclusion? Why or why not? Assessing whether the premises can reasonably be trusted. Specifying (when applicable) which of the ‘Rules’ from our Workbook for Arguments the argument violates. Specifying (when applicable) which of the fallacies we have studied/that are examined in Workbook for Argumentsthe argument is guilty of committing. Giving a concise global assessment of the argument based on your evaluation (e.g., “Overall, this is a weak analogical argument because…”). Step 5: Repair the argument based on the evaluation you provide. Be specific: Explain why the specific issues with the argument would be addressed by the repairs that you propose. Use the techniques that we have examined for repairing specific types of arguments. (Repairing an analogical argument involves different techniques from, say, a statistical argument.) Logistics Format: Typed essay. 12 pt. font. Double-spaced. Proper heading (name, class, etc.). Length: 500-750 words. References: You must include a reference section. Any style is fine—just be consistent. Provide a hyperlink to your sources (when applicable). Cite all of your sources (even if you use a grammar checker).


Description This assignment is designed to help you understand how you are doin ...

Description This assignment is designed to help you understand how you are doing so far in Math 060. Grade Goal: Pass the class by completing 6 of the 6 assignments Remember that this course is graded Pass/No Pass and is not based on percentages or points. Your grade goal in this class is to earn a grade of "Pass". To earn a grade of "Pass" you must complete 6 of the 6 requirements listed on the Grade Goals Tracking Sheet. Step 1: Fill out the Grade Goals Tracking Sheet Please make a copy of our Grade Goals Tracking Sheet in google docs and fill it out based on what you've completed so far in the course. Need help? Watch this short video to see an example of how to complete the Grade Goals Tracking Sheet. **This video is from previous semesters when there were 13 assignments instead of our 6 assignments. The video instructions are still relevant, but ignore the specifics about the 13 assignments. Step 2: Answer the following questions. In addition to filling in the Grade Goals Tracking Sheet, also answer the following questions in a few sentences. These questions are provided below the assignment grid on page 2 of the Grade Goals Tracking Sheet. You can answer them there. Are you on track to complete all 6 of the requirements by the end of the course? If yes, what is your key to success? What has been going well for you? If not, what are you going to change so you can meet that goal? What to Submit You will turn in a URL to the google doc with your filled-in Grade Goals Tracking Sheet and answered questions. How to turn in your work: On this assignment in Canvas, click on Start Assignment. A box will appear to paste your URL. Return to your filled-in Grade Goals Tracking Sheet and answered questions in google docs. Click on "Share" to create a link. Make sure the share settings say "anyone with the link can view". Then copy and paste the URL into Canvas. Press submit assignment. Need help? Watch this short video for a step-by-step guide to submit a URL in Canvas.


Description The Basics: The paper should be: 1. 700-800 words 2. double-space ...

Description The Basics: The paper should be: 1. 700-800 words 2. double-spaced 3. written in no larger than 12-point font, with no more than 1-inch margins, and 4. preferably in MLA format The Subject: Joe Turner’s Come and Gone by August Wilson The Prompt: The paper is a critical analysis of the University Theatre production of Joe Turner’s Come and Gone. This paper is NOT a review of the production, and the focus of the assignment is not about whether or not you liked the play. Instead you’ll be following the guidelines below, which include specific evidence required from the play text, the play in performance, and class material. The assignment is to choose 1-2 questions from Fuchs essay “EF’s Visit to a Small Planet: Some Questions to Ask a Play” and explore how the production communicates the answers through at least two production elements as identified by Barbara Clayton’s “Guide to Basic Elements of Theatrical Production”. Steps to Writing the Paper: Before attending Joe Turner’s Come and Gone, familiarize yourself with Fuchs central questions as noted on course slides and in her essay. You may want to keep these questions handy to refer to at intermission or right after the play. Then, consider your experience attending Joe Turner’s Come and Gone as “a visit to a small planet.” Choose 1-2 questions from Fuchs that the production answers and that you’d like to explore in your essay. (You may end up exploring more than one of Fuch’s questions as sometimes there’s overlap in the questions–examples will be given in lecture.) Now, write an essay that articulates the following: Joe Turner’s Come and Gone communicates _____________ (answer to one or more of Fuchs questions) through _____________ (production elements). NOTE: This is NOT an exact template for a thesis! Ask yourself HOW the production communicated those answers through at least two production elements. Requirements: Your essay must have a clear thesis. Your essay must include the following sources in supporting your analysis: Direct text evidence (quotes) from “EF’s Visit to a Small Planet: Some Questions to Ask a Play” by Elinor Fuchs Direct text evident (quotes) from “Guide to Basic Elements of Theatrical Production” by Barbara Clayton Direct text evidence (quotes) from Joe Turner’s Come and Gone by August Wilson (the play script itself) Specific details of at least two production elements of the University Theatre production of Joe Turner’s Come and Gone Other class material: topics, ideas, and terminology from class lectures/discussions and/or assigned reading/viewing/listening for the course (Details will be discussed in class.) You must include a bibliography and an AI statement. Evaluation: As in all things, clarity counts. The way you organize your argument counts. A rubric for this paper will be distributed separately. A Note about AI: The following is taken directly from the course syllabus: AI I highly discourage the use of any AI resources in written assignments, as doing so undermines the learning objectives of the course–not to mention the fact that AI is not always reliable or accurate. Though I understand that AI resources might be useful in some limited contexts, students are not permitted to submit any text that is generated by AI tools and applications (including, but not limited to, ChatGPT, Copilot, DALL-E, and others) for course assignments and assessments. More details will be discussed in class regarding what might be an acceptable use of AI beyond this prohibition. Each written assignment will require the inclusion of an AI statement, which will require you to state either a) that you did not use AI in any way to complete this assignment, or b) an articulation of how you used AI in completing the assignment (knowing that any AI generated text is prohibited). Using AI to generate text is a violation of the course’s policies and will be addressed through UW–Madison’s academic misconduct policy, specifically UWS 14.03(1)b (b).


Description annotated bibliography with two brief paragraphs beneath each sourc ...

Description annotated bibliography with two brief paragraphs beneath each source; one summarizing the source and one commenting on how and where the source might be used in the research paper. Must have 8 sources minimum and two being a peer reviewed publication.


Description PART 1——- The size of a child’s brain reaches 90 percent of ...

Description PART 1——- The size of a child’s brain reaches 90 percent of an adult’s by the age of five. Early childhood is a time of rapid change – particularly in the development of a child’s brain. These early years are critical for lifelong learning and well-being. Talking, reading, playing, and singing with babies and toddlers is so important in shaping thinking and emotional patterns for life and influencing learning, relationships and resilience. Please watch the video and respond to the prompts: Share three things that resonated with you and why. How can you share what you learned from the video with peers or families? How every child can thrive by five (Ted Talk) PART 2——- PURPOSE The reflective journal is a tool for reflecting on personal values, perceptions, and beliefs regarding the care of infants and toddlers. EXPECTATION Please note that your journal entries should be at least one paragraph long. Your responses will be evaluated based on the level of detail you provide for each question. Remember, there are no correct or incorrect answers, just your personal thoughts on the matter. I will provide feedback through additional questions to encourage you to delve deeper. You are allowed to resubmit your assignments, and they must be a minimum of 500 words in length. Reflective Prompt: (Links to an external site.)For this reflective journal entry, please visit the CDC’s Developmental Milestones | CDC website and navigate through it. Afterward, share three new things that you learned from the website. Additionally, think about how you can share what you learned with your peers and families.


Description Part A: Identification and Contextual Assessment Planning for the G ...

Description Part A: Identification and Contextual Assessment Planning for the Group 7-9 NUMBERED PAGES OF TEXT, SUBMIT ONLINE, DOUBLE SPACED, 1” MARGIN ON ALL SIDES, APA STYLE FOR CITATIONS AND REFERENCES). PLEASE INCLUDE QUESTIONS OR QUESTION #’S AS HEADINGS. Identify and briefly describe a population that you are working with in field that could benefit from a group-based intervention. What are some challenges potential members face? How did this population come to your attention? Using the required readings and course syllabus as a guide to the literature, what are three key values or benefits of using a group approach with this population? (Use, cite and reference at least three sources from the Syllabus). Using course literature on models and theories of group practice, what type of group approach do (or did you) you propose? (Use, cite and reference at least three sources from the Syllabus). Using the required readings and course syllabus as a guide to the literature, identify at least two key opportunities, challenges or obstacles in group interventions in each of the contexts below? How would you address each of these challenges? Discuss at least two challenges or obstacles for each of the following: USE, CITE AND REFERENCE AT LEAST ONE SOURCE IN EACH SUBSECTION (A, B & C) – SOURCES MAY BE USED IN MORE THAN ONE) A. In the agency context? a. How will the agency’s organizational mission, structure and activities influence the group? b. How will they affect the way you develop and work with the group? B. In the community context? a. What communities influence the development of this group? b. How may will communities influence and/or support the ongoing development of this group? C. In the potential members’ and worker context? a. How are your own identities similar or different from the client or system potentially represented in the group? b. What assumptions or biases may you need to be aware of? c. How might culture and identity impact the power dynamics in your relationship with group members and/or client system?


Description please read carefully. The research paper must be about Italy and w ...

Description please read carefully. The research paper must be about Italy and why it did join the EU, along with the questions in the pdf file answered and the websites as well, and there should not be any use of the AI in the paper. 16-18 pages at least Recommended Web Sites & News Sources: Home page of EU: Eurobarometer (public opinion): Der Spiegel (english version): Daily news stories:; The Economist: The Financial Times: The BBC World News is broadcast nightly many cable/dish packages 4


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