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Description Instructions The following writing prompts were generated consid ...

Description Instructions The following writing prompts were generated considering information from Enger Ch 13, Ch 14 and Ch 15 and Annenberg 7 and 8. Answer ALL questions completely to be eligible for full credit. Describe the hydrological cycle. Describe anthropogenic changes and the effect of those changes to water quality and water quantity. Explain the work of Dr Peter Kenmore. What is ‘Integrated Pest Management’ as referenced in his interview? What are four techniques that (large-scale) farmers can implement to protect their soils. Also describe three "green landscaping" considerations for homeowners. Describe the concept of Biomagnification. What are two substances that can biomagnify? What causes the annual dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico? List two detrimental consequences of the dead zone. This is your second writing assignment to submit. You should create a word document Typed submissions are expected. I do not expect perfect MLA or APA citations (or any citations at all) but I do want you to reference our class reading in your answers.


Description Throughout this course, you will be asked to document and reflect u ...

Description Throughout this course, you will be asked to document and reflect upon your experience in the class. This activity's intent is (a) to enable you to track your progress with your Environmental Footprint Project, and (b) invite you to reflect on the terms, concepts, and processes you learned about throughout the week. This journal task is intended as an exercise in metacognition or thinking about your own thinking and learning in this course. Your submissions will be evaluated by how well you cover your progress on making at least five lifestyle changes to lower your environmental footprints, and how clearly you identify and discuss content learned over the week. To prepare for this journal, Review Chapter 1: Understanding Environmental Science and Sustainability. Review Chapter 2: Understanding Ecology and Biodiversity. Ensure you have participated in all discussions and completed all other assignments and activities for the week. In your journal, Share your previous experiences, if any, with learning about environmental science and environmental issues. What previous courses have you taken on the subject? Do you have any previous work or life experience related to the subject? How might this class add to your knowledge of the field? What new topics or issues do you particularly want to learn about in this course? What concerns or fears might you have about this class? What strategies could you put in place to address them? Have you thought about where you might go for your nature experience project? Do you have any concerns about that particular assignment? Explain your learning from the first week of class. What are three new concepts or terms that you learned about? How has your outlook on biodiversity and ecosystems changed because of this new knowledge? What topics might you be interested in learning more about in the future? Look ahead to Week 2 when we will be examining how to sustain our agriculture and soils. Discuss some ways that this new topic might intersect with what you learned this week about biodiversity. How do the subjects of biodiversity and agriculture impact each other? List at least five specific, concrete lifestyle changes you will commit to making for your course-long Environmental Footprint Reduction Project. These should be things that you can realistically accomplish before the class ends. For example, buying a new electric car is marvelous, but unless you plan to do that in the next few weeks, it should not be included on this list. You will document your first week’s efforts in the Week 2 Journal, and you will report on the ultimate impacts of your efforts in a discussion in Week 5. The Environmental Footprint Report and Reflections on New Learning, Week 1 journal, must be at least 2 double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA StyleLinks to an external site. as outlined in the Writing Center’s APA Formatting for Microsoft WordLinks to an external site. must include a separate title page with the following in title case: title of journal post in bold font Space should appear between the title and the rest of the information on the title page. student’s name name of institution (The University of Arizona Global Campus) course name and number instructor’s name due date


Description To evaluate a media report on a commonly divisive scientific issue ...

Description To evaluate a media report on a commonly divisive scientific issue and gain appreciation for how to assess the credibility of an article that purports to be about a scientific issue. To practice critical thinking! We want to be able to discriminate between legitimate scientific presentations and those which may be framed in a “scientific” context but are really pseudoscientific or in the worst cases out and out fraud. An issue that contributes to uncertainty around environmental issues is whether a new idea might be testing the envelope at the frontiers of science to eventually be either accepted or rejected. It is important to remember that legitimate disagreement is part of the process of science. However, we have to be able to decide when a scientific consensus has been reached and it is time to move on ? Read through Carl Sagan’s Baloney Detection Kit at: ? Visit the University of Toronto’s Scarborough libraries website on Thinking Critically About Sources at: ? Review A Rough Guide to Spotting Bad Science at: ? Find a recent article (either hard copy or from the web is acceptable) published within the past year (2024/25 ), reporting on one of the following scientific issues: o climate change; o COVID19 oinfectious diseases; o vaccines; o renewable and alternative energy o evolution o nutrition It should not be a peer reviewed article from a reputable science journal, since the whole purpose of this exercise is to ask you to critically think about information that is being shared in more popular ways. You can choose to select a piece of writing that is not strictly an article published in a journal, magazine, newspaper, etc., but you should ensure that your chosen piece of writing is substantive enough to allow you to carry out the assignment objectives in a meaningful way. For example, a 250 word rant on a social media platform is likely not a good choice for this exercise. As a guideline, your chosen article or piece of writing should be a 5-minute read minimum. You may have to look through several sources to find an article that is appropriate for this exercise. Note, your article must fall within the 2024/25 period, or you risk it being assigned a zero. ? Using a maximum of 1000 words, prepare a critical assessment of the credibility of your chosen article incorporating as many of the relevant criteria (minimum 5 criteria) as outlined in the variety of resources provided, particularly the Rough Guide to Spotting Bad Science source. You should clearly state in your thesis statement and in your conclusion your final assessment on the authenticity or credibility of your chosen article. You will likely have to carry out additional research to address some of the criteria appropriately. Common practice is half truths, so your analysis may involve identifying sections that may be accurate as well as other sections that may be inaccurate and need to be debunked. Overall you need to provide a clear analysis of whether you accept or reject the article’s credibility. ? Remember that critical thinking in this context does not necessarily simply mean to find only fault with your chosen article. Within your minimum five criteria used in your assessment, you should also be identifying and including areas in which it excels or does well to support the article’s credibility. Your assessment should be written in an essay format with an introduction, body and conclusion, in full sentences with paragraphs. Within your assignment you should: ? Include a brief summary of your article, including its full citation within the assignment itself. ? You must attach or append a copy of your article to the back of your assignment or submit as a separate file when you upload on Quercus. A penalty of -50% if the article is not attached. ? Use APA in-text citation method if appropriate. ? Try to incorporate as many of the criteria as relevant (minimum 5) in making your final assessment and be as explicit as possible to clearly identify how you came to your conclusion on the article’s scientific credibility ? Your thesis statement and conclusion should clearly state your informed assessment of the scientific credibility of your chosen article. Additional research may be required. Grading Rubric for Tutorial Assignments Each assignment will be graded based on 3 major criteria: Mechanics: Follows assignment instructions addressing all identified requirements including reference requirements and word counts. Writing is error free in terms of spelling and grammar. Development of Ideas: Arguments/main points are well developed and supported with substantial evidence. Ideas are presented in an organized and logical manner. References: Appropriate references and in-text citations are used appropriately to enhance arguments


Description Final Presentation requirements: Your presentation will be submitt ...

Description Final Presentation requirements: Your presentation will be submitted as a PowerPoint presentation. Your presentation must contain approximately 10-15 slides and a minimum of 5 visual elements (e.g., photos, videos, graphs, figures). Text is organized using concise phrases typed on each slide (no paragraphs) and properly cited. In order to expand on information you can either use the notes section to type out your own words in how you would present the information OR you can do audio-narration, narrated by you, the student. You cannot use "text-to-speech" programs or technologies that do the narration for you unless noted as an approved accommodation in a current DSA letter you have furnished to me. For instructions on how to create audio narration in PowerPoint, see the following link: Record a Slide Show With Narration. Narration should be no more than 10 minutes. Work that is improperly cited and referenced or lacking either proper in-text citations or references may not be accepted for credit. Your presentation will follow the same format/sequence as your outline and should include the following (please title each slide accordingly): Title slide - Include your name, date, class name, instructor name, and project title. Introduction (3-4 slides) Solutions (3-4 slides) Conclusion (2-3 slides) References A sample PPT presentation has been added for you. Feel free to use this as a template for your own presentation. PPT designer was used for this example and includes many different styles. Choose one that suits you. SCIN140 Presentation Example.pdf *Writing Expectations: Apply scientific concepts and use scientific terminology correctly. Utilize proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Additional Resources and Tips: Use your own words (paraphrase). For help with paraphrasing, please review the 'Quoting and Paraphrasing' help in the Trefry Library Writing@APUS Center. Note that your Turnitin report similarity score should be under 20% (not including references) and free of paraphrasing issues. Review the color-flagged text on your report, fix any issues, and resubmit again before the deadline (this assignment is set to unlimited submissions until the deadline). Note that less than 10% of your work should contain direct quotes. Recall that Wikipedia is not considered a credible source for our purposes and should not be used in class. Email me with any questions!


Description Please write a research presentation on PowerPoint of 40 slides abo ...

Description Please write a research presentation on PowerPoint of 40 slides about the source impact and remediation Strategy of toxicity on human health Use references and recently published research. Make sure to apply the following points in your research: You must follow the style of writing scientific articles and avoid direct transfer, avoid plagiarism and use your own words by paraphrasing. Be careful when choosing topics and relevant scientific information. Use visuals: Include graphs, illustrations and pictures to support your points. Use recent and updated sources. Organize your research using headings and subheadings if necessary. Use reliable scientific references such as (scientific articles and specialized books). Use recent and updated sources. Make sure to number them correctly and link them to the references in the reference list. Keep your documentation style consistent throughout the article. Use Times New Roman 16 font for headings and 14 font for text. Submit your article in Word format and PowerPoint presentation.


Description Please read the attached article about Novel organisms and send me ...

Description Please read the attached article about Novel organisms and send me one page (as an email attachment) summary about (1) how to distinguish among invasive species, GMOs, newely emerged diseases (2) why invasive species are considered novel organisms (3) Explain this statement: "to avoid negative impacts of novel organisms, integration of research and policy for all types of novel organisms seems most promising".


Description As a safety professional, you have been asked by a well-known safet ...

Description As a safety professional, you have been asked by a well-known safety trade journal to write a piece on OSHA operations. They would like for your article to be in essay format and to touch on the following: OSHA’s legal authority and system for scheduling inspections Include the process for scheduling construction inspections on multi-employer worksites Employee rights related to a safe and healthful workplaces Employer’s responsibilities and the legalities to provide a safe and healthful workplace Including the employer’s abilities to reduce the level of citations and/or penalties The documentation required to respond to citations and penalties OSHA’s citation and penalty processes Include the steps employers should take once receiving OSHA citations and proposed penalties Your essay should begin with an introduction. It should be at least four pages in length, not counting the title or references page. Support your essay with at least two peer-reviewed articles from the CSU Online Library. The articles should be from the last 10 years only. Feel free to also use the textbook and other sources as references in addition to your two CSU Online Library sources. 


Description Consider the following scenario: As a facility safety specialist, ...

Description Consider the following scenario: As a facility safety specialist, you have been asked by upper management to evaluate current ergonomic behavior. You have been asked to evaluate one specific area of a colleague's office environment to evaluate (e.g., chair, keyboard, desk). Discuss how the evaluation/measurement process works and what measurements you would take. What are some common office workstation issues indicative of poorly designed workstations? Examine human factors related to design criteria, including how identifying one’s height, weight, and other physical criteria affect worker interactions with workstations. Describe key management approaches to ergonomics and how ergonomics awareness training could be useful in helping to control ergonomics related issues. Be sure to address: The importance of devising a training program for employees. The benefits that might come from this type of training. What methods could be used to help your teams educate the employees on ergonomics awareness? Use at least two references for your Unit III Assignment. One reference source should be the course textbook and another should be from the CSU Online Library.


Description Submit the final draft of your complete Formal Lab Report for instr ...

Description Submit the final draft of your complete Formal Lab Report for instructor grading after reviewing the Formal Lab Report rubric one more time and making sure that your paper meets the rubric requirements. IMPORTANT: Be sure to review the areas with " *** " in the rubric because the requirements for these sections have been updated from the prior Writing Assignments to meet complete Formal Lab Report needs. Please note that this drop box will only accept a .doc or .docx document. Be sure to name your document with your first and last name and _cFLR. For example, John_Smith_cFLR.doc or John_Smith_cFLR.docx Remember: Be sure to include all the information for the entire lab which means be sure to discuss both the germination of seeds in Petri dishes and the growth of plants in pots. Point breakdown for each section of the final lab report paper and maximum number of points that can be earned in each section based on meeting all rubric requirements: Introduction+Format: +10/10 Method+Format: +10/10 Results+Format: +10/10 Discussion+Format: +10/10 Reference+Format: -0 (Points will be deducted for not meeting rubric requirements) Appendix+Format: +20/20 Total for entire paper: +60/60 Tip: If you need extra help on how to format your citations and Reference section in APA format, the Purdue Online Writing Lab (owl) website is a great resource! Tip2: Visit this link if you have questions and need help from the librarian on how to find information using the library resources:


Description I need a term paper about the conservation and taxonomy of mangrove ...

Description I need a term paper about the conservation and taxonomy of mangroves. also talking about management and application in Qatar and other countries.All the details and requirements in the attached file: please follow the instructions. no ChatGPT and AI.


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