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In lecture 10 we discussed Photosynthesis and how plants use sunlight as an energy source to produce ...

In lecture 10 we discussed Photosynthesis and how plants use sunlight as an energy source to produce sugar for cellular work. The major organelle that allows plants to perform this process are chloroplasts. In order to understand how chloroplasts use this energy we discussed light reactions by introducing electromagnetic radiation and the electromagnetic spectrum of colors. For this assignment you will need to pick your favorite color/pigment and answer the questions below with that color in mind. Include the resources (must be peer-reviewed, scientific resources) used for each question in either MLA or APA format. 1) What wavelength is associated with your favorite color? Note: some colors are not found in the electromagnetic spectrum. If your color is not found on the electromagnetic spectrum, research what the explanation is for this and provide your answer. 2a) Briefly state the relationship between wavelength and energy. Based on this relationship, what is the amount of energy your color has relative to other colors on the spectrum? 2b) What wavelength and associated color has a higher amount of energy than your color? What wavelength and associated color has a lower amount of energy than your color? 3) Explain why you can visibly see your color in regard to absorbance and transmittance of different wavelengths.

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