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"Hunting the Nightmare Bacteria” was aired on October 22, 2013. Frontline investigates the rapid e ...

"Hunting the Nightmare Bacteria” was aired on October 22, 2013. Frontline investigates the rapid evolution of potentially deadly antibiotic-resistant bacteria. While this documentary is old, the concern about the superbugs is significant. Answer the questions below after you have watched the video. 1.What is community-associated MRSA? 2.What is ECMO? 3.What did Addie acquire from the ECMO treatment? 4.What does pan-resistant mean? 5.What is NDM-1? 6.Why do healthcare providers not use Colistin as an antibiotic anymore? 7.What is KPC? 8.What is meant by a silent carrier? 9.How much does it cost to send a new drug to market? 10.You have learned a lot about DNA, mutation, and evolution in this class. Based on this documentary, explain how these antibiotic-resistant bacteria are evolving so quickly. 11.Frontline refers to a “Nightmare” bacteria; why do they call it that? 12.Why were doctors resistant to attach Addie to an ECMO machine? 13.What was in the breathing tubes of the ECMO machine Addie was attached to? 14.Where was superbug NDM-1 found? 15.What does the NDM-1 gene do that is so dangerous? 16.Where did the outbreak of KPC occur? 17.What do KPC and NDM-1 have in common? 18.When the second patient that was infected with KPC was diagnosed. How did hospital staff think became infected? 19.What is the transmission sequence of KPC (How did it travel from patient to patient)? 20.Why are drug companies choosing not to develop new antibiotics? 21.Why would drug companies be hesitant to use new antibiotics developed? 22.How many people are infected with drug-resistant bacteria each year? 23.What Do you think that awareness of Drug-Resistant bacterial deaths would do? 24.Based on this documentary, who do you think should be responsible for working to lessen the impact of nightmare bacteria and why? The CDC? Drug Companies? Should the Government step in? 25.Why should citizens care about “nightmare” bacteria and the overuse of antibiotics? 26.Did you put your name on top of this assignment? The following rubric will be used to assess the assignment : Knowledge and Understanding (4 points): The student accurately answers the questions based on the information presented in the documentary. Critical Thinking and Analysis (3 points): The student provides thoughtful and detailed explanations for questions that require interpretation or reasoning. Comprehensiveness (1point): The student addresses all the questions in the assignment, ensuring that no questions are left unanswered. Writing Quality (1 points): The responses should be well-organized, coherent, and free from major grammar or spelling errors. Clear and concise writing with proper formatting will be rewarded. Reflection and Critical Awareness (1 points): The student offers insightful reflections on the importance of antibiotic resistance, its impact on society, and the responsibility for addressing the issue. Original and thoughtful reflections are expected.

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