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For this project, you will be working towards creating a PowerPoint that you will present in Week 5. ...

For this project, you will be working towards creating a PowerPoint that you will present in Week 5. In Week 1, you will complete an activity in lab called "Choose Your Own Path". This activity is designed for you to make decisions about a hypothetical life you might choose for yourself. With each choice that you make, your carbon usage (and thus your contribution to global climate change) is impacted. The goal of this activity is to help demonstrate how your choices in daily life can contribute to the overall warming of the earth. Once you have worked inside the activity, you will submit portions of the presentation each Part as a lab assignment. Part 1: You will choose your path. Part 2: You will write an outline that includes your planned topics. Part 3: You will do research for primary and secondary literature and you will construct your reference slide. Part 4: you will submit your presentation through Turnitin. Part 5: you will present your findings using the PowerPoint presentation that you have created to explain your choices and the resulting impact on your carbon footprint. You will record and submit your assignment through a Studio presentation. The following guidelines can help you as you work on the components of your presentation. Your presentation is to be based on the Choose Your Own Path activity you completed in Week 1. You will use this activity to help you think about and then write about the individual impact you have on the carbon in the Earth’s atmosphere and the changes you can make that might alter that impact over your lifetime. You are expected to have at least 3 independent, reliable, and unbiased scientific sources for this presentation. Two of your sources must be written by scientists (primary literature). These sources are used to support the ideas you present to explain the impact your choices in the Choose Your Own Path assignment had on the world around you. You should incorporate ideas we cover over the term into your work. This includes but is not limited to carbon sequester, photosynthesis, organism relationships, climate change, agricultural practices, and nutrient cycling. Your presentation will: include in-text citations and a reference slide with your sources in APA format be named and saved as FirstLastName_BIO122Project have limited quotations (no more than 1-2). You must explain the research you do in your own words. include your own interpretation of the scientific concepts we study and apply to the Choose Your Own Path activity. These concepts will be interpreted and explained by you and should then also be cited. You are able to use articles found on Google Scholar and the online library, and your textbook as sources. There is no slide requirement for the presentation. Use the space you need to explain your ideas thoroughly. A good estimate is 8-10 slides. Part 2 A good outline can help you focus your thoughts and more easily construct your final presentation. In Week 1, you worked on the Choose Your Path (CYP) Exercise and decided what potential future choices you might make about your life and your carbon footprint. This week, you will make an outline to help you begin building your presentation for this course. The template PowerPoint provided to you here is designed to help you organize your results from the Choose Your Path (CYP) exercise. in Week 1. You are able to go back and re-do the exercise as many times as you like. Instructions: Review the Course Project Overview then return to this assignment Download the Template PowerPoint Edit the PowerPoint to represent your own results from the Choose Your Path exercise. Upload your outline and watch for feedback from your instructor. Part 3 This week, you will complete Part 3 of your course project. For this portion of your project, you will create a "working" reference slide using APA to format your sources. You must use credible outside research to support your ideas. What sources can be considered as credible? research articles written and peer-reviewed websites registered by government and educational institutions (.gov, .edu) academic databases materials from Google Scholar What sources should be avoided? out-of-date materials posts from social networks (i.e. Facebook) blogs research articles without citations Wikipedia can never be considered as a reliable source of information since it can be edited by anyone (Therefore it is an example of a website that isn't credible). However, it can be used when you are first trying to understand the topic. Moreover, there are lots of further links and references that can be useful when doing research or writing academic papers. Part 4 Final Draft Power point slides

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