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Ensure your essay falls between 700 and 1000 words and incorporates key concepts from the readings t ...

Ensure your essay falls between 700 and 1000 words and incorporates key concepts from the readings to construct a compelling argument addressing the assigned topic. Your essays will be checked by Turnitin to ensure originality. You can use outside sources as well. Please respond to one of the following sets of questions. What human rights issues do you consider of greatest concern to the international community? How would you evaluate the International Criminal Court (ICC), humanitarian intervention, and the responsibility to protect (R2P) in effectively dealing with massive human rights violations? What efforts have been made to address climate change through mitigation and adaptation? What obstacles are there to such mitigation and adaptation efforts and what trade-offs may be required to overcome these obstacles? In what ways have human security issues (population, migration, and global health) affected states and state sovereignty? To what extent does the need to manage human security issues strengthen international cooperation, multilateralism, and international institutions?

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