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Description You will write a 5 page essay on the topic of the outline attached 1 attachments Sl ...

Description You will write a 5 page essay on the topic of the outline attached 1 attachments Slide 1 of 1 attachment_1 attachment_1 UNFORMATTED ATTACHMENT PREVIEW 1 Tiffany Tillman Humanities Outline April 19, 2020 GREEK RELIGION OUTLINE I. Hesiod’s Theogony A. hymn to Zeus: celebration of his triumph and the order he has established 1. The abstract powers personified: Chaos, Eros, Erebos, Night, Pontos, Okeanos 2. The female powers: Earth, Rheia 3. The three male rulers, Ouranos, Kronos, and Zeus 4. Rivalries of fathers and sons, husbands and wives, strength and cunning 5. Aphrodite (Cythereia and Cyprus-born B. the Prometheus story 1. Separation of kinds, origin of sacrifice, constituting of hierarchy of god, man, beast, imposition of suffering by gods 2. Creation of woman (no name) constituting system of marriage, oikos, inheritance 3. Woman as economic drain, but necessity of marriage, 592-607 4. Metaphor of belly, interiority and hollowness II. Hesiod’s Works and Days II. Hesiod’s Works and Days A. explaining the necessity of work and justice 1. Gods have concealed livelihood (bios) from mankind 2. Ages of mortal beings: gold, silver, bronze, iron 3. Threat of destruction 2 B. Pandora 1. Gifts of all gods, and releaser of all bad “gifts”; emphasis on deceptive appearance, adornment as prototype of bride 2. Epimetheus III. Homeric Hymns to Demeter and Aphrodite: politics of Olympos A. Demeter/Persephone 1. Goddesses represent women’s connection to earth, fertility, and the dead 2. Rape of Persephone shows patriarchal autonomy of Zeus 3. Demeter’s wrath and withdrawal force negotiation of power between male and female gods B. Aphrodite 1. Goddess of sex and reproduction, essential to workings of the world of mortals 2. Poem emphasizes limits: a. Three virgin goddesses at opening; b. Aphrodite’s recognition of limit 3 References Yerkes, R. K. (2012). Sacrifice in Greek and Roman religions and early Judaism. Wipf and Stock Publishers. Price, S. R., & Price, S. (2014). Religions of the ancient Greeks. Cambridge University Press. Pulleyn, S., & Pulleyn. (2015). Prayer in Greek religion (p. 184). Oxford: Clarendon Press. Purchase answer to see full attachment Explanation & Answer: 5 pages User generated content is uploaded by users for the purposes of learning and should be used following Studypool's honor code & terms of service.

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