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Description Topic 4 = Best Communication skills, Appropriate manners, and Body Language during an i ...

Description Topic 4 = Best Communication skills, Appropriate manners, and Body Language during an interview (what the research will be on) Research Thoroughly the best and most current information for your topic. Conduct in-depth research on your chosen topic. Make sure the information is relevant and professional. Your goal is to provide valuable insights to your peers. The information you present should be comprehensive, current, and aligned with industry standards. Create your presentation: Design your presentation in a creative, professional, and clear manner. You can choose from the following formats: Infographic PowerPoint slide Canva design Short video Prezi presentation Be sure that your presentation is visually appealing and easy to follow. Organize your content logically and make sure that it conveys your information effectively. Remember, your goal is to provide useful, clear insights for your peers. 6. Post your Project: Once you have created your presentation, upload it to the discussion thread. Be sure to include at least three valid and current (No older than 3 years) resources that support the information you've shared. These sources should be credible, and their publication date should be recent enough to ensure relevance. Make sure your post includes citations for all sources you used in your research. 7. BONUS CHALLENGE: Create Interactive Content - this could be a short quiz, survey, interactive infographic (hover over or click elements for more info) or short interactive activity (i.e. case study or short scenario that asks your audience to think critically or choose course of action. Here are the available topics related to job and interview skills: Best answers for tricky behavioral interview questions (with examples) How to rock your first entry-level job after graduation: Survival tips for new grads in the workplace Best overall tips for preparing for an interview: How to sell yourself (measurable accomplishments) Best communication skills, appropriate manners, and body language during an interview Proper etiquette for a lunch interview: Presenting your best self What are good questions to ask the interviewer? Tips and strategies for getting past the Applicant Tracking System (ATS) How to answer the “Tell me about yourself” and “What is your biggest weakness?” question What is professional business attire to wear (and not to wear)? Best tips to ace a Zoom interview How to ace your graduate school interview What is the STAR method and how to use it to ace your job interview? What is the modern one-way interview? Plus, 10 of the worst interview answers and how to improve them Best tips for a follow-up thank you email after an interview (examples included) Best strategies to succeed in your first job after 30, 60, and 90 days How to handle your first performance review on the job and ways to improve How to best discuss "gap" years on your resume How to handle a transition to a higher-level position in your company (becoming a supervisor of your peers)

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