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Home / Expert Answers / Other / Description The company I is : FORME Forme is a digital fitness platform. here is the website: htt

Description The company I is : FORME Forme is a digital fitness platform. here is the website: htt ...

Description The company I is : FORME Forme is a digital fitness platform. here is the website: Now I need these two parts, total word count at least 1200.  Changes and trends in the environment (15):  Conduct a PESTEL (political, economy, sociology, technical, enviornmential and legal) analysis in which you discuss the economic, technological, political-legal, socio-cultural, ecological, and other trends and how they affect the industry. (Note: attach a figure in the Appendix, explain the figure in the text.) Industry segmentation and demand issues (10):  Describe the customer/product/market segments in this industry, including differences on key dimensions.  Discuss what drives customer satisfaction and loyalty and analyze how well your company is positioned and in which segments. Explanation & Answer: 1200 Words User generated content is uploaded by users for the purposes of learning and should be used following Studypool's honor code & terms of service.

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