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Description Assignment Content SWOT Analysis - Conduct a SWOT analysis of PAC Resources. Your SWOT ...

Description Assignment Content SWOT Analysis - Conduct a SWOT analysis of PAC Resources. Your SWOT analysis will help you to determine the organizational issues confronting PAC as well as the issues in your assigned area. If you are not familiar with SWOT analysis, the following website identified here is an excellent reference that will help direct you through the process. CASE STUDY – DCIE - Online Course _Strategic HR Mgmt_Case StudyPAC Resources, Inc.: A Case Study in HR Practices (by Myrna L. Gusdorf, MBA, SPHR) Case study enhances practical learning using a consistent background foundation for all students. Design and implement a Human Resources strategy and processes for PAC Resources. Vision, Mission, Organization Structure SWOT Analysis Case Study Objectives Recognize the link between organization strategy and human resources activities Conduct a SWOT analysis of the organization with emphasis on the HR department Identify problem areas in each of these five functional areas of HR Management: HR development Safety and security Staffing/Recruitment Compensation and benefits Employee relations Design solutions to the strategic problems identified in the five functional HR areas. Develop solutions to the policy and people management problems identified in the e-mails. YouTube Videos: TedTalk: Putting the Human Back Into Human Resources (Mary Shaefer) How To Perform a SWOT Analysis SWOT Examples: DCIE - Strategic Mgmt _SWOT-Examples Explanation & Answer: 3 pages User generated content is uploaded by users for the purposes of learning and should be used following Studypool's honor code & terms of service.

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