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Home / Expert Answers / Other / Description (1). A listing of the final SQL code you used to create the database structure of your

Description (1). A listing of the final SQL code you used to create the database structure of your ...

Description (1). A listing of the final SQL code you used to create the database structure of your assigned tables last week. If you did not use the Oracle DBMS, specify the name of the DBMS you used. The SQL code required to join each set of two tables that participate in a one-to-many relationship within your assigned subset of tables. Screenshots showing the commands required to join each set of two tables that participate in a one-to-many relationship within your assigned set of tables, their successful execution, and the output listing from each Join command. Each screenshot must include your name and the date.  (2) Create a 5 pages professional development plan that contains details of your career goals, an assessment of your professional skills, and a list of potential jobs based on this information. Within the document, include the following: An introduction A list of five to seven professional skills developed during the BSIT program and a description of how these skills will help you advance in your career. Include at least one professional business or management process skill.  These may also be thought of as “transferable” skills. A list of three to five factors that will influence the type of job you select. For each selected factor, identify how it will influence the type of job you select. A description of your current career goals and how your experiences at Walden University have impacted those goals. The types of jobs that your research indicates best match the skills, factors, and career goals you identified.  A list of five currently available jobs that match your skills, factors, and career goals. A brief discussion of how the results of your job search compare to your expectations when you began the program. Two or three skills or items in your portfolio that you think may impress prospective employers and why. User generated content is uploaded by users for the purposes of learning and should be used following Studypool's honor code & terms of service.

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