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A) Read the background information in order to answer the discussion board prompts. - Reading for b ...

A) Read the background information in order to answer the discussion board prompts. - Reading for bioethics discussion #1: Read the Preface, Introduction, and Chapters 1 and 2 from Jenner on Trial by TA Kerns (1997): to an external site. (Note, if this doesn’t work, search for “Jenner on Trial by TA Kerns) and you should be able to find this) B) Answer the discussion board prompts (due by the beginning of your lab period in which this was assigned) Before each answer, note the question you are answering with the question's number. Your responses should be substantive in nature, usually requiring several sentences to appropriately answer the posed questions (7 points). 1) In your estimation, what are the two most critical ethical questions posed by the author facing vaccine efficacy trials? Briefly explain why you feel this way. 2)One of the big issues with biomedical research that involves human subjects or tissues taken from human subjects is the principle of informed consent whereby the subject involved must be informed of the research, including the risks and potential benefits to medical understanding (including potential profits). What are some of the issues or complications associated with ‘informed’ consent that can make this difficult? Fully describe and explain at least one complication or issue. 3) What is the difference between safety and efficacy? Prior to Jenner’s experiments, how were the safety and efficacy of “variolation” tested? 4) The experiments that Lady Mary Montagu carried out on prisoners and those carried out by Edward Jenner on his 10-month-old son and neighbor’s servants were extremely risky and certainly would not have been allowed today. Ultimately, however, the result was an eventual halt in one of the worst epidemics in European history and a model for protecting the public from other transmissible diseases. Does the greater good of the public outweigh the rights of the individual? 5) Assume that you are on an ethics committee given the responsibility of deciding whether to approve of Jenner’s proposed CowPox inoculation experiments in order to stave off the ongoing smallpox epidemic in London. Remember that SmallPox is a devastating and deadly disease, but also remember the hypotheses and evidence (or lack of) that Jenner has to bring to the committee. 6) In light of the current COVID pandemic, how do you feel the lessons of Jenner might apply to our current situation? What can we learn to help us out? What should we be cautious about? How might you design a clinical trial? What populations should be included in this trial? How do you ensure informed consent?

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