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thesis vs dissertation (6 Key differences)

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thesis vs dissertation (6 Key differences)


A thesis and a dissertation are both important academic research projects that serve to demonstrate a student’s knowledge and expertise in a particular subject area. However, they differ in several significant ways:

  • Purpose: A thesis is designed to showcase a student’s mastery of a specific subject, often summarizing existing research and presenting the student’s insights. In contrast, a dissertation aims to contribute original knowledge to a field, exploring new ideas or addressing unresolved issues.


  • Scope: A thesis typically focuses on a narrowly defined topic, while a dissertation can delve into a more complex research problem or examine multiple interconnected topics in depth.


  • Length: Generally, a thesis is shorter, with a typical word count ranging from 20,000 to 40,000 words. Conversely, a dissertation usually requires a more extensive investigation, resulting in a length of 60,000 to 100,000 words.



  • Oral Defense: An oral defense is often required for dissertations, allowing students to defend their research in front of a committee, whereas a thesis typically does not include this component.


  • Etymology: The term “thesis” originates from the Greek word tithenai, meaning “to place or position,” while “dissertation” is derived from the Latin word dissertare, meaning “to continue to discuss.”


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